lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Un poco de mis clases de coreano para ustedes

  •  학생 estudiante
  • 의사 médico
  • 종업원 empleado    
  • 중학생 secundario
  • 주부 ama de casa
  • 변호사 abogado    
  • 고등학생 terciario *
  • 비서 secretaria
  • 기자 periodista    
  • 대학생 universitario
  • 사업가 empresario
  • 미용사 peluquera    
  • 회계사 contador
  • 교사 docente
  • 예술가 artista    
  • 운전기사 chofer
  • 배우 actor
  • 박사 doctor    
  • 간호사 enfermera
  • 공증인 escribano público
  • 경제학자 economista    
  • 통관사 aduanero
  • 정치가 político
  • 판매원 vendedor    
  • 요리사 chef
  • 축구선수 futbolista
  • 공무원 empleado público    
  • 건축가 arquitecto
  • 경찰관 policía
  • 소방관 bombero    
  • 빨간색 Rojo
  • 보라색 Violeta    
  • 주황색 Naranja
  • 흰색, 하얀색 Blanco    
  • 노란색 Amarillo
  • 검정색, 까만색 Negro    
  • 초록색 Verde
  • 분홍색 Rosa    
  • 파란색 Azul
  • 연두색 Verde claro    
  • 남색 Azul marino
  • 회색 Gris    
  • 하늘색 Celeste
  • 갈색 Marrón  

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

September Kpop Choreography

Well, it's time to talk about Kpop again....

Long this month has been a lot of comebacks and a lot of dance practices published as well.... Also with the ALS challenge and my brothers, sister and my birthday.... Kind of busy... but i really was into all them.. so , let's check this out.

1.Back- Infinite

2. Go Crazy- 2PM
3. Danger- Taemin
4. Missing- Teen Top
5. I'm in love- SECRET

i hope you enjoy this guys 

Zhang Li Yin_我一个人 (나 혼자서) (Not Alone)_Music Video

Sad Sad Sad song, but is the continuing story of Agape, with f(x) Victoria and EXO-M Tao.... And angel's voice from Zhang Li Yin.

Reseña y opiniones: The Duff

The Duff- Kody Kepingler Well, to be honest i was about to drop the book as just many others, but in some point i turned back to the start and ask myself "What does Duff mean? " soooo, i kept the read... And then you see this girl called Bianca being a total standard girl ( not in book, i mean real life) not obessed not thin, regular vehicle to drop into parties the perfect girl friends..... So everything is good... The this boy comes, Wesley comes insulting her by calling her "The Duff" i totally understood is the GOOD GIRL, BAD BOY story ( when the girl drops into a bad one because of her past and the boy is good but kind of JERK cuz life reasons) which i LOVE..... at the end , with all the sex, the tears, the story, the characters, i kept until the finale, and i can give this book a 7/10..... Totally recommended...

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Ombre Hair/ Pelo de Colores

Hello! As you may know it's rally popular to put your hair into 2 different colors, or the end of it in a neon color.... i do not own any of this pics.... they just inspired me

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Kpop Coreography

Almost all the kpop M/V has a coreography, if it doesnt, it's a really song and dark song that is enough with the idol itself. But this year i have challenged myself with a few coreograpfys with different themes, some of them are cute, other sexy, other bad girl, and other like a cool tomboy.... This is what i'm talking about.... Sistar- Loving U MBLAQ- This is war / Vixx- Eternity Infinite- Last Romeo Secret- I'm in love Tasty- You Know me I hope you enjoyed the selection... If you have more ideas.... let me know

Interior Desing: Bedrooms

Today i decide to talk about how we decorate our room... And i know i lot of people just stay with the things as they are, or mom and friends change it for us.... But at the end of the day its not our personal taste... Other have it really decorate , but not in orders.... So i'm gonna help, since i feel like im in the middle. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hoy me decido a hablar de cómo decoramos nuestra habitación ... y sé que mucha gente la tiene con las cosas tal como son, o mamá y amigos lo cambian por nosotros .... Pero al final del día no es nuestro gusto personal ... Otros la tienen realmente decorarada, pero no en las órdenes .... Así que yo voy a ayudar, ya que me siento como que estoy en el medio. First we are going to start by watching bed cloth:
This is if you prefer really dark, elegante, relaxing like me, everything goes in neutrus colors, like beige, black and white, as a really fancy hotel room for husband and wife.
But there's fun and mischiveous ways to decor your room. When you are really into music you can add this acordding to it, like posters, or your guitar in the corner, your piano front of the bed... It's really cool....
cr. Ikea 2015

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

Palabras en Coreano para recordar hoy

우리 Nosotros-nuestro l 집 Casa l 층 Piso l 정원 Patio l 나무 Árbol l 꽃 Flor l 수영장 Pileta l 과/와 Y (con) l 옆 Al lado l 차고 Cochera l 거실 Living, sala de estar l 부엌 Cocina l 서재 Escritorio l 책상 Mesa l 책장 Biblioteca l 침실 Habitación l 욕실 Baño l 지하 Subsuelo l 창고 Depósito l 세탁실 Lavadero